From Auntie Chris's song-gift to Brian at his birth
Brian, Brian, Brian. You are three years of blue-eyed smiles and sunshine hair. A big boy most of the time but still little enough to need Mommy when the going gets tough. I am full of you today.
You amaze me with your intellect and eagerness to learn. You color like a champion; you write your name legibly. Your idea of fun is to do "table work" alongside Abby when she has her first-grade homework to do.
You read. (At 40 months old!) Like last week, when we were stopped at an intersection in the car and you shouted from the back, "I see the word PIZZA!" You quickly learned that reading doesn't always equal getting, but it didn't diminish your enthusiasm.
You love to "play Starfall" on the Starfall website with your sister. I honestly think you read nearly as well as she does. And you have mastered the mouse.
Your delight when you play the piano is contagious. You're playing the first "Twinkle" variation now with your right hand, and you're nearly ready to tackle the left. It makes me so happy to see how much you love music and how you want to learn. It's too early to tell, but I am hoping (!) you will play alongside my other students on the recital in May.
And dance class! Today I had the chance to watch your class warmup, and was proud nearly to bursting at how well you followed directions and participated.
My sweet, sweet son. I am humbled by the responsibility your father and I have been given.
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