Friday, November 30, 2007

The A List

I've had a busy week, and feel like a pat on the back. So hooray for me, for accomplishing the following:

1. Making deadline on two features, one with a tight turnaround given my schedule this week.
2. Smoothing the wrinkles of misunderstanding with a couple of friends, and finding peace in that.
3. Remembering the prayer that always works: "Lord, help me be a good mother today."
4. Saying yes to an assignment I could do, and no to one I couldn't, and not worrying about it.
5. Assembling a new desk chair, after my old one died last week. It was the best chair, and I miss it, but the new one is pretty comfy, too. And I did it myself!
6. Losing a couple of pounds since Monday (this will force me to be good all weekend, so I don't have to report on Monday that I gained it back.)
7. Realizing that I'm becoming much braver in a few different areas -- approaching strangers to ask for their input for a story; communicating expectations clearly to people I work with; taking a small risk when communicating with an editor I don't know well (humor can be treacherous) and having it work out OK.

There are other, minor things, like teaching all my students this week, popping out a couple of ringing high D-flats at rehearsal on Monday, and making decisions that made me happy, like going to writers' group last night even though I had another story to write by today. And taking time out to enjoy the kids now and then. Actually, that's not a minor thing, at all.


Unknown said...

You rock! It's great to see you so contented. And singing high Db's no less. You really do rock.

Anonymous said...

D-flat! What on EARTH were you singing?

Julie said...

It's an arrangement of "Pentecostal Fire" in that key, and the director wants a high note at the end. He's letting me give him the cutoff when I've held it long enough. ;)