A little background: last January we had a couples' massage with a twist: the massage therapist taught us how to practice her art on each other. It was great, and I was so inspired that when I saw a massage table at BJ's, complete with headrest, I sprung for it for Valentine's day.
We used it quite a bit at first, but it's been at least 6 months since we got it out of the case. When I informed Earl of my (unilateral) massage-date decision, he readily agreed, and the dear man set everything up in the family room after the kids were in bed last night. When I came downstairs, there was the massage table, all made up with flannel sheets and the electric blanket, candles casting a soft glow, fire crackling in the fireplace. Pure heaven.
We both were a little rusty, and poor Earl had to endure my icy-cold hands at first, but it was a wonderful, relaxing, bonding evening. Funny how an hour or so of focused attention with my husband makes me remember why I'm married in the first place.
And it's been a two-date weekend: we had on-demand movie night on Friday. We rented Waitress, which I really enjoyed, with one exception: the controlling, abusive, redneck husband's name was Earl. I think my husband has had an uphill battle his whole life with his name, and movies like that and shows like My Name is Earl only perpetuate the image of the unsophisticated, slightly stupid country bumpkin.
I have only known two Earls in my entire life: my husband and his cousin, for whom he was named. Said cousin is a professor at Brown University -- hardly a dim-witted hick. And my Earl is no slouch, either, even if it only occurred to him a few weeks ago, while looking at the first-quarter moon, why half-moon cookies are so named. Aside from astronomical baking references, he's really a very bright guy.
My Earl is a financial planner and classical musician who is very knowledgeable and passionate about special education. He's a terrific husband and father, general handyman, cook and CCD teacher. So fie on the unfortunate name, I say. He's the best massage date I know.

yay for date nights :) we are so blessed to have my aunt mary, who practically begs to have mairi over night *at least* every other weekend, LOL.
and i love massages-keith not so much-we had a couples massage on our honeymoon and he giggled like a little girl the ENTIRE time through it, he's so ticklish!!!
:) I love the date night idea and look forward to reviving it. Right now our evening dates (at home) are punctuated by a portly-looking husband. He isn't really that big, but he wears the baby to sleep while I tuck in the big boy. It's nice to have two sleeping children, but it'll be even better when it comes with an unencumbered husband!
As for Earl, I'm here to corroborate that yours is a gem indeed: kindhearted, practical, smart, respectful of all living beings. I'm glad I know the both of you.
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