Since I've been getting more writing work, writing feels more like work, and I'm treating it that way. I still enjoy it, but somehow meeting weekly, or almost-weekly, deadlines keeps my writing self busy enough to be happy.
Not that there aren't lots of things going on that are blog-worthy:
- finally starting to feel more in balance with eating (oh sisters and brothers, it's been a loooooooong road since the fall, losing 10 pounds and gaining 13);
- Abby's IEP meeting this coming Wednesday;
- Abby bidding adieu to dance class for real;
- thinking about starting Abby on violin (her idea) and taking initial steps to explore it;
- realizing that there may be more than the PDD going on with Abby in the form of attentional issues, and thinking about what to do next;
- marveling at Brian's progress this year and hoping we can keep the same programming for him next year at preschool;
- putting Brian into a twin-size bed and moving Timmy out of his crib into Brian's old toddler bed (no cribs in my house!);
- feeling antsy to do some real spring cleaning;
- taking the kids to see Horton Hears a Who and having it be mostly OK.
So stuff has been going on. I've just been mostly too busy or lazy or unmotivated to write about it. And it's not even feeling like Spring yet. Wait til it does! I definitely need a laptop so I can write outside.
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