Friday, May 2, 2008


My brother Keith's surprise 30th birthday party last weekend went off without a hitch. That was the reason my sister Chris and I were in Rochester, and it was so much fun. Among other festivities, I tried karaoke for the first time, after serious prodding by Chris. My first selection was "I Will Survive," part of the soundtrack from my childhood. I'd like to think I looked like an American Idol, but I looked like a suburban mom, which I guess is OK because that's what I am.

Chris is a karaoke force to be reckoned with. She owned the room. Besides being a terrific singer, she has such stage presence and charisma. Her "Son of a Preacher Man" was better than the original.

But the highlight of the evening for us was Chris, Keith and I performing the B-52's "Love Shack." So funny. Chris can sing about anything, but I'm all-classical, all-the-time, and the sound might have been a little top-heavy because of it. But Keith nailed his part, and we just about killed ourselves laughing. That's Keith, me (next to the fallout shelter sign) and Chris.
Somehow I don't think this was what Mom had in mind with all those years of music lessons for the three of us.


cmmoore said...

HA! What a fun time that was! You definitely gave AI a run for the money! :-D

Shelly said...

What a fun photo! I laughed out loud when I read about all the baked goods your dad made for the trip. Steven and I are still talking about the cornucopia of pies and other sweets that Aunt Charlotte made the last time we visited her. I guess it runs in the family!

Anonymous said...

Chris sings better than Aretha (wasn't she the one who recorded that song - or was it Gladys Knight?). Got to hear her.
