It was a good program, and the kids enjoyed it, but we never would have gone if we hadn't been able to get free tickets through the boys' dance studio. Not that we wouldn't have wanted to go -- but with children's seats starting at $17, it's an expensive proposition for a family of five.
The kids liked it; Abby and Timmy more so than Brian, who seemed to disengage quite a bit during the performance. This surprised me; Brian is very musical and loves Dr. Seuss, so I thought he'd really be into it. He did pay attention but not to the extent that his siblings did.
On Sunday, we attended a family concert of the Plymouth Philharmonic. The big hit of the afternoon was the pre-concert instrument demonstration. The kids had a blast seeing -- and in some cases, playing -- the instruments.
Abby, trying to smile for the camera and bow the double bass simultaneously
Brian trying out the glockenspiel. The teddy bear on his head was visiting us from preschool for some weekend adventures.
Timmy the trombonist
1 comment:
Awesome pics but Timmy's has me rolling. The thing is twice as big as he is, and yet, he looks like he has been playing for years. SO funny. :-D
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