Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter aftermath

We had a lovely Easter. The kids had fun with their baskets and egg hunt, looked adorable in their outfits, were good in church and enjoyed playing with their grandparents. I only had two masses to sing, and it was nice to see them so well-attended. Dinner was delish (my mother-in-law brought racks of lamb, all marinated and ready to roast, mmmmm) and the many desserts we'd made were a welcome extravagance.

But today, everyone is back to school and back to work, and I'm not ready. I'm tired, dealing with the after-effects of too much sugar and not enough sleep. I'm a bit panicked, with lots of writing to do and a busy week ahead. And I don't even get my writing time this morning, as we have Abby's annual IEP meeting at school.

I'll get it done; I always do. But it's a big mountain to start climbing, the day after Easter.

Here's a family photo, taken after church yesterday. I'll have to remember all that Easter sweetness as I'm working away this week.

1 comment:

cmmoore said...

Beautiful family portrait! :-)