Thursday, July 22, 2010

Living Well stories

The Patriot Ledger published its Living Well section yesterday. I have stories on pages 3, 6 and 11, on Laughter Yoga, Greek yogurt and hooping, respectively.

In related news, I'm now the owner of my very own hoop. My sister-in-law is a hooping instructor, and between her enthusiasm and my research for my article, I decided I wanted to give it a try. My brother made me a hoop, shipped it (you should have seen the look on the mailman's face!) and I tried it yesterday. Fun stuff! Hope no one sees me in the backyard, though.


cmmoore said...

Good writing, as always.
We really need to sell Mom on the Greek yogurt. She has no idea what she is missing.

Julie said...

We'll make her try it when she's here next time.

Now, wonder if I can get her to try the hoop....