Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday Tidbits

I stayed home from school today, the first day I've done so all year. Timmy was sick and Earl couldn't stay home with him, so it was my turn. It was nice to have a day at home, but I would much rather that Timmy was well. It's doubtful he'll go to school tomorrow, either, but I only have to teach two classes and can come home right after that, so Earl will stay with him until I get home.
MCAS makes for an anxiety-ridden morning for Abby. One down, something like 4 or 5 days to go.
I get really annoyed with students who fart while sitting on my piano bench. Ewww.
I also get annoyed when something I thought was a private email exchange turns out not to be. No harm done, really, but for those of you who are naive like I was until this afternoon: businesses that use Constant Contact for email can track anything you do with those emails. They can tell if and when you open them, as well as whether you forward them.

Constant Contact is a marketer's dream. I'd certainly use if if I had the need. But it left me feeling pretty unsettled when I received an email from a representative of an organization, who stated he knew I'd contacted someone I'd read about in the Constant Contact email. He knew this, of course, because I forwarded that email to the someone in question, with my own message to the recipient.

As I said, no harm done, other than that feeling that Big Brother is watching.
Spring has disappeared. Snow yesterday, fairly chilly today (although I only stepped outside to get the paper, so how do I know?) I console myself with the knowledge that April starts next week. It can't snow in April, right?

Japan. Libya. Yemen. The world's cup of suffering is overflowing.
I have an Irish soda bread injury that is taking a long time to heal. While slicing a homemade loaf last week, the knife slipped, and I've been wearing a bandage on my finger ever since. I blame all typos and wrong piano notes this week on the Irish.
I decided this week that there's no reason I can't make things better while waiting for them to officially get better. There's a change coming in my life that will be a welcome one, and I've been putting off a lot of things until that change happens. It occurred to me a couple of days ago, however, that some of the things I'm postponing don't really need to be postponed. If these things make me happy, why not do them now?

It doesn't always work, but it helps keep me more in the moment, instead of biding my time.


JEN said...

I like reading your blog and random musings. Hope (holy, I typed HOOP, I have a problem...) Timmy feels better asap. Miss you guys. <3


cmmoore said...

For the Constant Contact dilemma, next time you want to "forward", just copy and paste it into a new email. That should get around it. They'll still be able to tell if you opened it, but at least that's something.