Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Good intentions

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about the end of a friendship, and how it was bothering me, months after the fact. Later that week, I got a call from the very friend (I called her A), and we had a nice discussion about what had happened, and it seemed like things were on the mend. I was so happy; it must have been a tough call to make, and it wasn't made any easier by the fact that I had to call her back because I was dealing with kid stuff when she called.

Anyway, we had a good conversation, and it ended with my thanking her and telling her I needed to process it for a little while. I've always been kind of quick to react, and I thought it might be best if I could give myself a little time to think about what to do next, even though I was very happy and would have liked to drive over to her house right then.

So I took a little while -- I don't remember how long; it could have been later that day or certainly within the next day or so. I sent her an email, asking if she'd like to meet for coffee this week. When I didn't hear, I wondered if perhaps she wasn't checking her email, so I left her a voice mail with the same message.

That was over a week ago, and there's been no response.

So my conclusions are: she's not checking her voice mail or her email; she was irreparably offended by my taking a little time to think; or she really isn't interested in patching things up.

Or maybe she just doesn't like coffee any more.

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