Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cautious optimism

I'm almost afraid to blog about this, but I think (oh how I hope) that the case of the computer that wouldn't shut down has been solved. The antivirus folks helped me install a new version (specifically for Dell computers, who knew?) and I was able to shut it down three times this afternoon without incident. Glory!

I'm going to attempt to shut down again, as soon as I publish this. And if it continues to be able to do so for a day or two, I'll be confident enough to move some applications and files from my old desktop to Adele. And I really should figure out how to get her to print, too.

In other news, Abby seemed pretty anxious about violin again after school today. I asked her if she was worried about getting her own violin, and she said yes. I asked if she thought looking at my violin would help, and she perked right up. So I got it out, and she identified all the parts that her teacher taught her the other day. And she seemed much less anxious for the rest of the night.

I wish I was better at figuring out software problems and Abby's anxiety issues in general. But for now, with things relatively calm on both fronts, it's shutdown time.

Hopefully Adele will give me no cause for anxiety -- just a big turnoff.

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