Thursday, April 28, 2011

An unexpected insight

Abby and I were chatting at bedtime last night. Her math homework had been about volume, which builds on her previous homework this week about area. Both involve multiplying dimensions -- length times width, then base area times height for volume.

Abby's grasp on the formula for volume seemed tenuous, so I asked her last night as I was tucking her in, "So, how do you get volume?"

She looked at me with a huge grin and answered, "You scream! You yell!"

We both collapsed in a fit of giggling. Once we settled down, of course I had to ask her if her teachers had made that joke in school. She told me no, that she herself made up the joke right then.

It was the first time I can ever remember her making a spontaneous joke, a play on words that was genuinely funny in the moment. It made me so proud, not only because laughter is important to me, but because of the connection it created between Abby and another person, namely, me.

Abby's pun gave me a glimmer of hope. She's going to be all right.

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