Thursday, December 24, 2009

Abby's Christmas Eve mass prelude

Abby played "O Come, Little Children" before the 4:00 Christmas Eve mass today. The sound on my little camera isn't the best, but you get the idea. I'm very proud of her.


Vinny said...

Adorable! Good for her. I have my kids perform at church every year. Shannon plays clarinet trios with Justin and I. Justin has graduated to solo saxophone pieces with the keyboardist. It's a great way for them to work out the anxiety of playing in public (especially solo playing) in a friendly environment.

Great job Abby!

cmmoore said...

And the crowd goes wild! :-D

She looks and sounds just terrific! Look at that bow hand, and the intonation is really, really good. Nice fourth-finger action, too!!

I can't imatgine how proud you were; I'm bubbling over with pride myself! GREAT JOB, ABIGAIL! xoxox