Monday, January 7, 2008

Great weekend = bad weigh-in

"I had a great time getting fat."
-- Kirstie Alley

Oh, it was a wonderful weekend: dates, takeout chinese, fireplace time, pumpkin bread, writing, m&m's, singing, ice cream. And I gained. Only a tiny bit -- less than half a pound -- but this was the week I was going to bust out of the EZ (emergency zone) again and I didn't do it. Because I was having such a great time!

I've always thought of myself as an emotional eater, but tied my cravings for chocolate and carbs to negative emotions. Turns out that I eat whenever I'm feeling anything, including happiness.

I eat when I'm happy
I eat when I'm stressed
I eat when I'm joyful
and when I'm depressed

With so many feelings
that make me indulge
No wonder I'm waging
a war with the bulge

I'm no Kirstie Alley
I'm no Roseanne Barr
I don't think I'd let
myself go quite that far

But I'm tipping the scale
just too much to the right
I work out, and like it,
But try as I might,

The burn doesn't offset
the calories in.
I don't think I'm destined
to ever be thin.
I'm gonna stick with it
and try hard today,
and work out, and diet,
and finally, pray

for help on this journey
that's so very long.
O God, let my muscles
AND psyche be strong.


Judith U. said...

SO funny you post this. My current "read" these days ...
You On A Diet by Dr. Oz...

Stay strong ... stay active... I feel your pain. :)

Susan Senator said...

This is a great poem. It should be up there with Robert Frost's and Walt Whitman's stuff. It gets right to the cholestrol-stuffed heart of things.