Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

My holi-daze has almost lifted; it's a new year. A new beginning, a fresh start. I slept blissfully through the changing of the calendar last night and awoke ready to tackle the next 366 days, albeit one at a time.

I didn't succeed in keeping my resolution for 2007, which was to get to a certain weight and maintain it. In fact, I missed it by several pounds. But the resolution is a good one, and I still have a few pounds to go, so I'm making the same resolution for 2008.

The magic number is about 8 pounds away (yes, I did put on some Christmas-cookie-and-fudge weight, but it was a yummy couple of weeks.) That weight will give me a body mass index of 23, a healthy goal.

So I'm starting over again...tomorrow. Today it's still the holidays, and there is more pumpkin bread to be eaten. Plus champagne to be drunk, as our celebratory bottle of bubbly stayed in the fridge last night because I've been battling a cold for the past few days and didn't feel like having any.

I'll drink a toast tonight after the kids are in bed, to my plans for this year:
  • a healthy weight,
  • more writing, and
  • praying every day.

What are you toasting on this first day of 2008?

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