Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Earl is in Florida on business this week. He left on Monday morning, and will return late Friday night.

So far it's not been too bad. The kids have risen to the occasion and have been very good. There's nothing to complain about, even though I worried about my little taste of single parenthood this week. It's busy, but not the disaster (so far) that I had feared.

But I miss my husband. For a day or two, it's nice to have some space. Time and room to think; undisturbed sleep; sole control over the remote (if I ever watched TV.) But it's getting old, now, and I just want him to come home. I'm lonely, once the kids go to bed, and all the cliches about the big, empty bed are true. Yes, it's nice to spread out, but the bed doesn't fit one like it fits two.

It's just tonight, and tomorrow night, and then, God willing, he'll be home. And I can go back to getting aggravated when he wakes me up to ask what time it is. I can growl when he leaves dishes in the sink, and shake my head at his stubborn refusal to do everything my way.

I've been doing things my way for two days, and it's been fine. But it would be better to have him home.

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