Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Writing, writing

I'm very excited about a couple of writing projects that have come my way. Both are off the radar in terms of byline; they're marketing materials and web copy, so my name won't be on them. Still, I'm very excited that this work is coming in. It's fun, it's relatively easy, the pay is generally better and I'm learning a lot.

Some of this is similar to some of the writing I did at a former full-time job, but there's a huge difference in perspective. I like being a consultant much, much better than being an employee. There are several reasons: I make my own schedule; I choose my own projects; and I don't have to jump through hoops to please a boss because it's really about the work, not about the personalities involved. One former boss forbade anyone in the office to wear purple, for example. Woe was me on the day I wore the color for the first time, not having been advised of the rule. It's that kind of nonsense I just cannot deal with, and I'm very glad to be writing on my terms and not having to put up with it any more.

And now, I must get ready to do one of my other jobs; my first piano student will be here shortly. I love teaching privately for many of the same reasons I love being an independent writer.

Thank goodness I figured out that I work best, and most happily, when I work for myself.

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