Thursday, May 7, 2009

Zip! There goes another week

It's Thursday night already, and it's been a week since I blogged. I've been writing, specifically a column and a feature, and I've had lots of things to blog about, like Abby's first communion, a renewed closeness with my sister, and Earl's adventures in Town Meeting, not to mention the funny things the kids say to me all the time (like tonight, when Timmy tearfully informed me that not only was he sad, but his Hoodsie Cup was sad that he had to go to bed without eating it.) I just haven't had the time to organize my thoughts well enough to write anything here.

So, since I'm not capable of writing a well-organized blog post at this moment, a couple of lists will have to suffice:

Good stuff
  • A glorious first communion for Abby, from start to finish
  • A great visit with my mom, here for Abby's special day
  • People who gave of themselves without reservation to help make Abby's communion day as glorious as it was
  • Talking with my sister daily again
  • Being asked to be my nephew Eli's godmother
  • Being proud of Earl for his eloquent speaking at Town Meeting, and enjoying seeing him so happy to be involved and relishing his new role
  • Sweet children who are excited for Mothers' Day
  • Hearing students who are well-prepared for upcoming performances
  • Exercising three days in a row, and then taking a day off because I really needed it
  • Looking forward to opening up la petite maison in a couple of weeks

Not-so-good stuff

  • Learning that someone with whom I work closely will not be in her role for much longer
  • Being unpleasantly surprised by certain sections of Abby's IEP
  • Hearing students who have a lot of work to do before they will be well-prepared for upcoming performances
  • Missing writers' group the other night because Earl was at Town Meeting
  • Feeling overwhelmed with the amount of spring cleaning necessary to make my house even remotely "spring clean"
  • Being worried about swine flu, although that was more of a last-week thing than a this-week thing

One more good thing: having a quiet house, with children in bed and Earl at (wait for it...) Town Meeting, and thinking, I could actually go to bed somewhat early. Good night.

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