Friday, October 12, 2007

A piece of the pie

Life is a pie. We all have many pieces in the pie, and they make demands on our time, energy and psyche. When one piece gets bigger, adjustments have to be made, because that pie plate is only so big.

That reads like the opening narration of a Grey's Anatomy episode, but it's a theory I've had for a long time. I find when I'm feeling out of balance, it's because I'm resisting the adjustments. I tend to try and put more in the pie plate than it can possibly hold, and while it makes for a very full life, it can get messy.My main pie pieces are:
  1. Being a mother to my three children: Abby (6), Brian (3) and Timmy (2).
  2. Taking care of my marriage to my dear husband of 14 years, Earl.
  3. Being a musician: cantoring three masses most weekends and teaching my private voice and piano students. Oh yes -- and practicing.
  4. Being a writer: putting words on paper in such a way that people will find interesting, maybe even funny or helpful. Maybe all three.
  5. Being a published writer: querying editors, seeking new outlets, coming up with story ideas.
  6. Physical and spiritual self-care: going to the gym and trying to eat healthily; eking out time to remember why I'm here and how the pieces of my life are fitting in -- or not -- with God's larger plan.
  7. Mental self-care: keeping in touch with friends and family; knowing when not to keep in touch with friends and family; finding time to relax.
  8. Running a busy household.

I'll be writing here about all of these pieces, and new ones that get crammed into the pie plate. Bon appetit!

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