Monday, August 17, 2009


I'm very pleased with myself. Not only did I plan and carry out two birthday parties in three days, but I also took care of three things that were bothering me.

All three decisions had to do with me acting on what was best for me and my family. I tell friends repeatedly that they don't need to sacrifice themselves to crazymakers, and yet, that's exactly what I've been doing, myself. No more.

I've created three solutions, two of whom will hopefully be ratified by the other parties, and one of which was a unilateral decision. And if the other parties don't agree, then I have backup plans, which basically involve unilateral decisions.

I guess this is a convoluted way of saying I'm finally reaching the stage in my life where my need to make my own way is starting to outweigh my need to have everyone like me. It's about time.


cmmoore said...

Take chaaaaahge! :-)
Good for you.

Jean said...

You go girl.