Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lazy day

Well, it's actually not all that lazy. Just not hyper-productive. Cloudy and chilly, only one tiny deadline looming, nothing to panic about. I need to get ready to teach in a little while. A longish afternoon coming up.

Allowing myself to fantasize a little...what I'd really like to do is put on cozy pajamas and crawl into my bed and take a nap. After a couple hours of that, I'd like to get up and eat some warm cookies from the oven, maybe with a cup of tea. Then maybe back under the covers for some reading or more snoozing. Maybe a movie on TV later, then back to bed for real.

I must be ideal day would be spent in bed.

Instead of my fantasy afternoon, I'm going to finish this blog post, take a shower before my babysitter comes, teach five music lessons, put a supper together for everyone, and get ready for my conference tomorrow. Also will have to meet that tiny deadline tonight, as I'll be out all day tomorrow. And then, by gum, I'm going to put on cozy pajamas and crawl under the covers.

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