Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy talk

This is the last advertisement for my recital with my sister this evening. I promise! (7:30 p.m. at First Parish in Milton -- click here for more details.)

We had a great rehearsal yesterday. Tim Steele is such a wonderful pianist and accompanist, and even though it was our only rehearsal with him -- and with each other -- we're all feeling excited about tonight's performance. There's such a great variety of music, show characters and situations. It's going to be a lot of fun.

The weather has been cool, so no one will swelter in the church (can I get an amen?) My mom and dad are here, as are my brother and his whole family. I have a number of friends, students and their families who are planning to attend (but I want to see you there, too!) I just have to get the program copied this morning, and we truly will be all set.

Other good stuff going on, too, making for a happy recital day: Brian lost his first tooth last night and was thrilled with the tooth fairy's reward this morning. The kids and Earl had a great time at Old Sturbridge Village yesterday with my in-laws. It's sunny again, and did I mention it's cool? I've lost 16 pounds. We had the best roasted turkey and sweet corn-on-the-cob dinner last night. My sister sounds great, and I'm feeling good, too.

Happy talk makes for happy singing tonight. So come.

1 comment:

Kathleen Billette-Saul said...

Good luck tonight Julie!!!
Sounds like it will be great!
I wish I could be there