Monday, November 24, 2008

Silly sleep

I woke myself up last night, laughing. The dream was silly and really wouldn't make any sense here; it was one of those "you had to be there" things. But there I was, laughing like a fool, shaking the bed with my laughter, at 1:25 in the morning.

Poor Earl thought I was crying. He was all concerned until I told him I was laughing. I then proceeded to laugh some more and had to make a serious effort to calm down so we both could get back to sleep. I'm still snickering this morning.

I've woken myself up talking before. I sleepwalked as a child. Once I even started to sing in my sleep -- the night before the concerto competition in college. I was very, very worked up about the competition. I started my aria right on pitch, and probably startled my roommates.

I've never giggled myself awake before, though. That's a new one.

1 comment:

cmmoore said...

That happens in THIS household sometimes, too. It's pretty