Thursday, January 29, 2009

The biggest winner?

So if I fail at losing, do I win? The scale moved in the wrong direction this week, by half a pound. The carnage was actually pretty mild, considering what's been going on for the last week, eating-wise, but unwelcome nonetheless.

I clearly need a weight loss plan with more structure, because my own loosey-goosey approach is not working. I could join Weight Watchers, or count points on my own, but that thought makes me cringe. There's plenty of structure there, but I hate it, and can only do it for a few weeks before I totally snap.

I wish exercise alone were enough to lose weight. I really like to work out and am jealous of a friend who does it not once but twice most days.

On second thought, I don't think I like it that much. And she does Weight Watchers for maintenance. But still.

So what do I do? Count carbs? Fat grams? Just eat a lot less? Go to a nutritionist? Another friend does Jenny Craig but I'm not willing to spend the money for the food on the program.

Sometime in the last year I lost my willpower. It's not showing up any time soon, and I need another solution, because January was a bust.

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