We spent the weekend at our friends' country home in the Berkshires, with friends of mine from college and their family. Steph and I were roommates in Potsdam, and she and Charlie started dating in 1989 and were married a few years later. It had been a long time since we'd seen each other -- perhaps since my own wedding, in 1993 -- so our visit was long overdue.
Steph and I had originally conceived this weekend as a girls' getaway, but we decided a few weeks ago to make it a family affair. I was pretty excited about that -- both to meet their kids, and to not leave poor Earl alone with ours all weekend. I didn't know what to expect, though, particularly from Steph and Charlie's son, Chris, who is thirteen. Would he be bored out of his head? Was he into the surly teenager phase? Or would he sleep the day away?
I needn't have worried. Chris was sweet, affable, good with the younger kids and even made us a wonderful lunch of shrimp fra diavolo on Saturday. He seemed to enjoy himself, and I hope he did.
Their younger son, Ryan, was a ray of sunshine in the house. Constantly smiling, he and my three kids played all weekend long: sledding on Saturday morning; playing Sorry! with a rotating cast of players; pretending with our rainforest play set both days. He's nearly seven years old, and played easily with Abby (who did an incredible amount of pretend play) as well as with Brian and Timmy. He and Abby have plans to email each other, and he was overheard planning a visit for Abby and me to their Long Island home in the near future.
Ryan, Steph, Brian and Timmy
The highlight of the weekend for me was Charlie playing his guitar while we sang. I had printed some charts of old and new favorites and Charlie obliged us with those songs and a few others. It was great.
Charlie, Earl, Timmy and Brian
We're planning another family weekend, hopefully this summer in Canada. At any rate, we can't let another fifteen years go by before we see each other again.
Sounds - and looks! - SO fun! Glad you all had such a nice time. :-)
What a wonderful time! I'm so glad y'all got together!
I had all the same pre-visit jitters and post-visit glow when Vinny and his beautiful family came to Vermont this summer. His family is wonderful and Aidan still asks (5 months later) when Vinny's daughter is coming back.
College friends are truly special. Working at a college now, I've been on the outside watching as my student employees start forging those relationships that will carry them their entire lives. It is beautiful watch!
I finally remembered to look at your blog to read your post about our visit! Now-a week later- I'm misty eyed! Thank you so much for you kind words about our kids and I'm so glad you asked me to bring my guitar! Your three children are wonderful. I loved taking them sledding and seeing Steph read stories to all of them while they surrounded her on the couch.
Chris did have a great time. I wasn't sure if he would just hide in his room the whole time and play on his laptop or complain about being bored (as he often does at home.) You and Earl and your kids made our family feel welcome and very comfortable. Thank you so much.
Looking forward to next time - Charlie
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