Wednesday, January 21, 2009

If he could do that, maybe I'd have been crying yesterday, too

Timmy had just asked me for the 97th time when he could watch Spider-Man when I told him not to ask me again because someone was coming to fix the microwave.

"Oh, because it's going d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d," Timmy said, rolling his tongue.

"Right," I replied. "Tell me, how is it supposed to sound?"

"Mmmmmmmmmm," he hummed.

"Yup," I said, "so that's why someone is coming to take a look at it."

"A fireman?" Timmy asked.

"No," I answered.

"Daddy?" he tried.

A good guess, but no again.

Timmy was stumped. And, then, like so many of his fellow Americans, he suddenly knew who could fix it.

"Bawack Obama!" he said, triumphantly.


eileen said...


cmmoore said...

HA! Is there nothing the man cannot fix...? *rollseyes*

Erin Williams said...

Oh, that's one for the scrapbook :)