Friday, January 30, 2009


The boys and I had a playdate yesterday. The friends hosted, and the kids had fun playing together (or at least near each other) and, especially, dancing. The mom and I had a nice visit, and one of her kids has special needs, too, so she "gets it" when it comes to structure, managing transitions, etc. We've got another playdate planned for a couple of weeks from now, this time at our house. I'm looking forward to it.


The appliance repairman is coming today to (hopefully) fix my microwave. Hooray!


Now we just have to figure out about the odd humming coming from the van.


I love teaching. I get stressed out by getting ready to teach -- making sure the house is neat enough, getting my lesson preparation done, managing babysitting problems -- but once I'm sitting at the piano, I'm in the moment and I love it. I'm really lucky to have a full studio, especially in these economic times.


Abby has a measurement appointment this weekend for her first communion dress. A gentleman in our church is a fashion design professor at a local college, and is creating her dress as part of his professional development requirement for the semester. I am beyond excited. I have no idea what he has in mind, but I've seen his work -- most notably, his niece's wedding gown -- and am confident that he will turn out something beautiful and perfect for Abby.


I've received my 1099 forms, and was shocked to discover that I made more money in one year as a writer than I ever did singing opera. It wasn't that much, but it was enough to assure me once again that I'm on the right path. My dream about an audition last night left me with the feeling this morning of relief and contentment that I'm just not doing that any more.


Morning cuddle time with Brian is my favorite time of the day. He's here now, so I'll put the lid on the potpourri jar.

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